Wednesday, December 7, 2016

All Semester Sixteen

Hey guys,

So this semester has been ok some ups and downs here and there, but overall I can't complain. I've been wanting to come back to school so bad and when I finally did, it felt like a rollercoaster ride. However, I can't complain! I had a chance to work on amazing projects, learn new things, work on things that meant the most to me and just add new experiences to my list. Photography was great, I'm glad I got to sit with friends and go through each project together and seeing what everyone came up with and what things meant to them was fun! I hope everyone had a bit of fun making things your own. You never know what you can come up with until you try. Ending this semester tired, yet, content and ready to relax until Spring! I wish everyone a great Holiday. See you soon!


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